Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Bray's LAST DAY of ISR / Swimming Self-Rescue...and he PASSED!!!

Bray's LAST DAY of ISR / Swimming Self-Rescue...and he PASSED!!! I hope you enjoy watching Bray "test out" of his swim class! While Bray enjoyed his swim lessons, he worked hard to learn the skills you can view on this video. HISTORY: After taking Bray to three different "traditional" swim lessons (i.e. both child & parent get into pool with other parents & children with one instructor for approximately forty-five minutes once a week for four to eight weeks), we were not satisfied with the results. WIthout knowing, we signed him up for another class which was sort of like ISR (Infant Swimming Resource), but NOT official ISR. After only eleven ten minute sessions, Bray is able to fall into water fully clothed, float for an extended period of time and swim to the edge of the pool. It has to be said, that even though Bray worked hard and did a great job....this would NOT have been possible without his WONDERFUL instructor, Beth!


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