Friday, July 19, 2013

Teaching Four-Month-Old Babies to Swim

Teaching Four-Month-Old Babies to Swim Once a week four-month-old babies and one of their parents head to the pool in Ra'anana, for a special half hour swim lesson. Under the guidance of a hydro-therapist they perform various exercises accompanied with singing, which is aims to improve their posture and coordination, and also play with some toys! All this is organized by the Izy Shapira House, a non-profit that strives to improve the quality of life of children with special needs. Through the experience in the water, babies learn how to move properly. The exercises are customized for each baby's age and abilities. They help to build self confidence in the kids as well. And for their parents, it's a fun way to spend time with their little ones. Martin Cohen is taking the class with his son, Yair. [Martin Cohen, Participant]: "We live in Herzlia and I work in Jerusalem, so I have a long commute to work. There are days in which when I leave the house Yair is still asleep, and when I return home he is asleep again. So it is usually hard for me to see him, and this allows me to have some quality time with him." The class has other benefits as well. [Orit Fisher, Neuro-developmental Hydro-therapist]: (female, Hebrew) "Staying underwater makes one work on breath control, which means expanding the volume of breath. As the volume of breath becomes larger, more oxygen reaches the organs, which contributes for better muscle and heart activity. The heart-lung endurance also improves." And once the class is over a lot of parents stay in touch, often meeting at the seashore, exchanging experiences and tips on raising children. Reporter: Lee Rom Photographer: Michael Ash NTD News, Ra'anana, Israel.


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